'Moving On' follows the journey of Barry, an elderly man recently retired, as he prepares for his first date in decades with the hardworking Lily. I produced this film as part of our student project during the MA course at the London Film Academy.
Stephen Moriaty - Barry
Gillian Broderick - Lily
Director: Ilona Khvartskiia
Writer: Gurnihal Singh Chhatwal
Producer: Madalena Neves
1st Assistant Director: Nilabh Mozumdar
Script Supervisor :Ellis Walker
Director of Photography : Piyush Sharma
Camera Operator: Aleksandra Bodraia | Gurnihal Singh Chhatwal
1st Camera Assistant: Tara Kutay | Ayusha Roy
2nd Camera Assistant / Grip / DIT: Samarjeet Sule | Kunal Arora
Sound Mixer: Aditya Ravikanti | Defne Auf
Boom Operator: Sushank Kini | Karanbir Singh
Gaffer : Sophia Buraia
Spark: Dylan Osborne
2nd AD / Stills Photographer: Hristina Tasheva
Music Composer and Conductor: Eleanor Fineston-Roberston
Editor : Janani Dharmik Rajashekar Edula
2nd Editor: Barbara Davis
Trailer Editor: Ayusha Roy